
2014 December 22

Created by George Smith 9 years ago
The times spent with you still lie within my heart. I miss you so much and think about you every minute of every day.I can still feel you beside me and still talk to you all the time, probably more than I talk to anyone else. This was the time of year you enjoyed most and the last year we went to the Christmas market in Edinburgh you Rachel, Erin and Ryan laughed all day. You couldn't believe that guy didn't fall at the ice skating even though you were all willing him to. I still picture you coming back in the train playing knuckle with Ryan and laughing so much. Myself and Rachel just put up the tree that you picked on your last Christmas. It was bigger that you but you set all the branches in order and built it yourself. Seems like yesterday you were here with us and we all miss your laughter and smiles.I love you and as always still very proud to be your dad. Sleep tight Wee Man xx